Ramzi Assi Dental Center, Discounted Timings Available daily
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(since 1990)

Orthodontics, Cosmetic & General Dentistry
in Sharjah for more than 30 years

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No worries


Check our Purple Dentistry Calendar below for today's Discounted Timings Availability (DTA)

We will accommodate you by appointment, depending on our seats availability. You could get discounts up to 50% or more, depending on our DTA.
(Discounted Timings Availability)
(Discounts apply only to patients without insurance)




Elective procedures are subjet to an additional 5% VAT



Cosmetic Consultation (Braces, Veneers)

200 dhs

100 dhs

Consultation (Other than Braces, Veneers)

200 dhs

100 dhs

Teeth Cleaning: Smile and Shine

1500 dhs

750 dhs

Home Teeth Whitening: Get Noticed

250 dhs

125 dhs

600 dhs

300 dhs

800 dhs

400 dhs

1500 dhs

750 dhs

250 dhs

125 dhs

Tooth Filling: Stop the Damage

960 dhs

480 dhs

1160 dhs

580 dhs

250 dhs

125 dhs

Simple Regular Tooth Removal

500 dhs

250 dhs

Lenghty and/or Surgical Tooth Removal
and Wisdom Teeth
(impacted lower wisdom teeth extraction not available)


The most Affordable

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050 6340313

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Discounted Timings Availability
Cosmetic Dentistry Calendar

Cosmetic & General Dentistry Calendar
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Calendars for Appointments

Adults Braces
(20y and older)

Teens Braces
(19y and younger)

Cosmetic & general Dentistry

with our Orthodontist

with our Orthodontist

with our Dentist

Braces Info
Let's align them

teeth braces
adjust braces
braces remove

Cosmetic Dentistry Info
Let's reshape and whiten them

teeth whitening
crowns & bridges

Our Posts, Photos, and Videos
if you wish to know us more

Teeth and Health Tips "click" and discover...

About us

sharjah dentist near me

Yes we are in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE), in Abu Shagara, on King Faisal Street.

We have been offering affordable dental services since 1990.
Our patients have been visiting our dental center from the seven Emirates: Sharjah, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Fujairah, Ras al Khaimah, and Umm al Quwain.

We improve smiles with cost realistic treatment choices; we have selected the best set of cosmetic dental treatments, taking into consideration: Quality, Price, and treatment Time.

Our patients are frequently asked: Why do you want to improve your smile? Most of the time the answer is the same: I want to stop hiding my shy smile; I want to smile with confidence!. I want to make people around me happy.

Do you want to improve your smile? If your teeth are affecting your smile, you've come to the right clinic; we know how to fix that. We have been doing it for more than 30 years now.

How do we do that? Teeth behind the best smiles have 3 things in commun. They are aligned, they are well shaped, and they are white.

It's very simple. Align, Reshape. Whiten. Let's do that together.

Orthodontics and Braces


Let's align them

We will align your teeth with Braces.

Metal braces are the most affordable choice, and they give the fastest results.

Our orthodontist will put your dental braces on your teeth, then will adjust them during your regular braces adjustment visits.

Once your teeth are aligned, your braces are removed. Braces removing is done simultaneously with retainers fixing. Invisible retainers are bonded behind your teeth to stop them from relapsing.

Your teeth are now aligned, and will never move again.

Cosmetic Dentistry and Dental Veneers


Let's reshape them

We will reshape your teeth with Veneers.

Composite Veneers are the most affordable choice.

Our cosmetic dentist will look at the shape of each tooth, and will look at those black spaces between the teeth and gums.

Sometimes these black triangles appear inevitably after teeth alignment. Sometimes they are the result of receding gums. Our cosmetic dentist will bond your veneers in one single visit.

Your teeth are now beautifully reshaped forever, and those black spaces are gone.

Cosmetic Dentistry and Teeth Whitening

teeth whitening

Let's whiten them

We will brighten your teeth with Teeth Whitening.

Our cosmetic dentist will evaluate the original color of your teeth, and determine the number, and the frequency needed for your teeth whitening.

Your teeth are now whiter, and will look brighter all year long, year after year.

Smile better, smile more, and people will smile back; they always do.

Dr. Ramzi Assi
Dentist in Sharjah since 1990